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Jaguar Jog 5k presented by Williams-Teusink LLC

Sat August 17, 2024 Atlanta, GA 30316 US Directions

Jaguar Jog 5k presented by Williams-Teusink LLC

Donation Goal: $10,000

Your donation will be going primarily towards to the Maynard Jackson Athletic Booster Club which support the teams and athletics of Maynard Jackson High School. These donations provided to the booster club will help provide uniforms, equipment, and other necessities to help the MJHS Athletics grow and support more students. 

Additionally, your donation will be going towards the the Maynard Jackson Cross Country Team. The MJHS Cross Country team has two goals: to make better runners and make better people. The team believes in a commitment to pushing themselves and building a community of runners that support each other. The team is excited and hopeful that this road race will allow them to expand their exposure to other students who may not know about Cross Country, build a stronger team going forward, and keep the equity of the team so that all students at Maynard Jackson High School could be success runners if desired. Thank you so much for partnering with us in helping us achieve our goals.  

Specifically, the money will go towards the following items:
- Purchasing shoes and proper running attire for students who have a financial need
- Community building experiences, specifically doing an overnight meet.
- Additional training equipment to help build strength and aid in recovery (being in the city means we have to run on a lot of concrete which can lead to more injury)
- Creating incentives through apparel to broaden our reach to kids who may have limited exposure to Cross Country
- Provide scholarships for Cross Country summer camps 



Raised of $10,000


Top Donors

$150 Raised By 1 Donor

$150 on behalf of Mina Rhee

Donation Attribution

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