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First Strides® - North Myrtle Beach Workshop

Fall 2024: Thursday, August 29th through Thursday, November 7th Little River, SC 29566 US Directions

Week 2 Email

We're in Week #2 of your 11 week workshop and you look fabulous!


5 minutes warmup
Then 3 repetitions of EASY/Hard Interval minutes4 minutes easy + 2 minutes hard
4 minutes easy + 2 minutes hard
4 minutes easy + 2 minutes hard
5 minutes cool down

How often?  3 days this week (every-other-day)!  Do NOT do 2 days in a row!  Thursday's workout counts as 1 of the 3.

Note: Each interval of a self-paced EASY/HARD repetition is a comfortable pace then a comfortable push. The push (HARD) is just a bit more effort than the EASY. You should be able to continue that pace for the full HARD interval. If you're out of breath during the push, back off your pace a bit on the following HARD.

FOR THOSE THAT MISSED WEEK #1: Please review the information on our website at

There is a lot of good information under Workshop Topics!


Training Schedule

Timing Device Instructions

Shoe Selection

and lots more to be updated as the workshop continues!

THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: Paul Rogers, owner of Fleet Feet Myrtle Beach with his wife Cathy, spoke to us about the importance of shoes for striding.

Fit and Function are two important aspects to consider. 

Fit: relates to size of your shoe

Ignore your “normal” size, have your foot size measured, and ensure that the shoe is long enough to “play the piano with your toes”.

Function: relates to how you intend to use your shoe

Many brands are available at different stores but be sure to purchase an athletic shoe, one that is designed to function for you to stride, and brands differ so it’s wise to try on different brands to find the one (or two) that work for you.

Fleet Feet Myrtle Beach offers current striders 10% off everything in their store. Just give them your name and tell them you’re with First Strides NMB.

SMALLER GROUPS:  We will be breaking into smaller groups during next Thursday’s class. The goal is to group women of similar ability. We’ll do this during our workout, counting off X number of Striders to form the smaller groups. Each group has 3+ mentors to encourage you and to make sure you’re in the correct group for you. Please realize that the greatest benefit one can get from this program is for each woman to do "their own pace". Grouping puts you with women of similar pace.

Doing your homework is the key to your investment in your own health. 

We’ll see the “fitter” you next Thursday at 5:30 pm!

Your FSNMB mentors

P.S. We invite you to join our private Facebook page - First Strides North Myrtle Beach...see link below and click JOIN to request access to this group. It's on that FB page that we share information, including photos from our workouts!

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